fundraising Audit

Are you finding your loyal donors are giving less each year? Is your lapsed donor list growing faster than your new donor list? Better Idea Creative’s fundraising audit will uncover the gaps in your branding and message and help you inspire your donors to give again.

Direct Response

Donors want to know they are the heroes in your story. Their reward in giving is knowing their gifts make a significant impact. Our appeal letters touch the hearts of donors, remind them how good it feels to give and how their gifts make a difference for the cause they love.

Donor Retention

Donors give to feel the joy in supporting their cause. Retaining donors is not about highlighting how great your organization is, but about telling them how great they are. Better Idea Creative’s fundraising consulting will put you on the right path toward building a loyal donor base.

Board Retreats

Don’t forget that your board members are volunteers and donors. A vibrant organization keeps their board members refreshed and excited to continue to serve and lead. We collaborate with you to craft a custom retreat that will energize your board and leadership team.

Inspire your donors to give again